We strive to keep our clients updated on the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing and technology. Below are this weeks "Bright Ideas"...

Manage your online reputation with Yelp - what is it and why do you care?
There are many opinion websites out there but Yelp has thrived while others have generally petered out. According to their site, as of February 2009, more than 20 million people visited Yelp in the previous 30 days. As a Real Estate Agent or Broker, Why Do YOU Need to Know About Yelp?

AmericanTowns.com - A Great Resource
AmericanTowns.com is a site that provides community information and more importantly local events, seminars, etc for specific towns. Consumers can search by town, then by date, type of event, venue, etc. It is a really great resource for agents and can be used in a several different ways...

Press Release - Agent Credits Real Estate Virtual Assistant Team for Open House Success
Here at RealSupport, we send out a monthly press release to a number of different media outlets and recommend this to all of our clients. This month, we featured a client of ours who had an exceptionally successful open house and was surprised to receive several offers above asking price after RealSupport’s effective online marketing of the property had been completed.

Until next time,

Carrie, Erica, Jen, Lori, Megan & Chelsea
RealSupport Inc. - Providing superior Real Estate Virtual Assistant services to Real Estate professionals nationwide since 2000.

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