We strive to keep our clients updated on the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing and technology. Below are this weeks "Bright Ideas"...

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If not, you're missing out on tips and ideas for your real estate business!

HomeThinking.com - Have Confidence & Let Your Guard Down When Marketing Yourself!
It may seem scary at first to be completely transparent, but as you’ll soon find out, it will pay off in the end!  Dare to have confidence and you’ll find buyers and sellers will respond to this open and honest approach! 

Catch the Google Wave of the Future, or Sink!
Google Wave combines the concepts of Facebook and Twitter with Google Search, Google Docs, YouTube, E-Vite, and basically every form of discussion forum on the internet.  Find out more about this truly unlimited potential...

Social Marketing Overload- Get the Gist?
In some ways, social networking is a fascinating tool allowing us to become connected to more people than ever thought possible. In other ways, it can be information overload. With the influx of all the social networking sites, it becomes close to impossible to keep track of all your contacts. A new website called Gist might be the cure for social networking overload.

Until next time,

Carrie, Erica, Jen, Lori, Stacey, Allie, Shauna and Ron
RealSupport Inc. - Providing superior Real Estate Virtual Assistant services to Real Estate professionals nationwide since 2000.

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