We strive to keep our clients updated on the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing and technology. Below are this weeks "Bright Ideas"...

Keep the Spark with Your Sellers Alive... Even After the Honeymoon!
It starts off as a whirlwind romance...but somewhere between the exchange of phone numbers and the endless weeks on the market, communication slowly dies down. Consequently, this is the #1 complaint of sellers. See how to keep that spark alive...

Have Other Agents Taken Over Your Facebook Page?
There is nothing wrong with networking with a few fellow agents, but if your efforts to dominate your local marketplace are being consumed by dominating or competing with other agents, you could be missing some great chances to connect with potential leads. Find out how to make invaluable client connections...

The Cost of a Virtual Assistant: PRICELESS
“Why would you hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant if you can hire an on-site assistant for significantly less?” While the answer is simple, the explanation is hidden unless you really dissect everything involved. Here is our best response to this question...

May Team Spirit Contest - Enter to Win 3 FREE Hours of Our Services!
Love Sports and Facebook?!

Show your team spirit and enter to win 3 free hours of Real Estate Virtual Assistance!

Find out how!

Until next time,

Carrie, Erica, Jen, Lori, Stacey, Allie, Meredith and Shauna
RealSupport Inc. - Providing superior Real Estate Virtual Assistant services to Real Estate professionals nationwide since 2000.

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