We strive to keep our clients updated on the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing and technology. Below are this weeks "Bright Ideas"...

Let's Give Em Something to Talk About: Four Tips for Stellar Customer Service
We can all understand the importance of word-of-mouth marketing in the real estate industry. With this in mind, you want to make sure that your clients and leads have nothing but wonderful things to say about you! Excel in customer service with these quick tips!

6 Personality Traits of Successful Real Estate Agents
In working as Real Estate Virtual Assistants, we have the opportunity to work with all different kinds of personalities; which can make our job much more exciting! No matter what your personality, it seems there are always a few key factors for finding success in the Real Estate industry.

Ask Your Fans a Facebook Question!
This is the newest way to interact with not only your fans, but the entire Facebook community! As a real estate agent, you can use Facebook to capture leads, interact with your community, and to find out what they’re interested in. Encourage even more fans in your area to “like” your page after you've take a look at the power of Facebook Questions!

Special Announcement!

In the past, RealSupport clients have been able to participate in our webinars for FREE, and others who were not RealSupport clients had to pay a nominal fee to participate. We're excited to announce that we are now offering complimentary webinars to EVERYONE! If you're interested in capturing more leads, social networking for real estate, or the undeniable value of a virtual assistant, be sure to take a look at all of our FREE Real Estate Educational Webinars!

What We've Been Up To:

Until next time,

Carrie, Erica, Rosanna, Brandie, Kate, Sarah, Stephanie, Lori, Kandace, Allie, Katy, and Ron
RealSupport Inc. - Providing superior Real Estate Virtual Assistant services to Real Estate professionals nationwide since 2000.

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